Autumn Collection

·#1- 5inx5in with 1.5in deep edges
Textured acrylics on quality stretched canvas
$48 + S&H

·#2- 5inx5in 
Acrylics on canvas board
$28 + S&H

·#3- 4inx5in 
Acrylics on stretched canvas
$30 + S&H
*Sale Pending*

·#4- 4inx5in
Acrylics on stretched canvas
$30 + S&H

All four of these cuties were made using the same silver maple leaf. However, each one came out differently with it's own personality and textures. This collection holds a special place in my heart, right alongside the place that will always cherish the tree that the leaf came from. Said tree has given me endless inspiration over the past four years, and every time I draw or paint it, I notice something new about it. I've harvested it's Autumn leaves for the past 2 years, and I'm excited to have finally found a creative use for them!

Besides having an Autumn themed collection for the upcoming season, it's been important to me to have more affordable options available. I believe that everyone and anyone should have a piece of original, fine art in their home that isn't a print or reproduction. 

I very much enjoyed making this cuties, and I hope you enjoy viewing them just as much! Maybe it's because I was an Autumn baby, or maybe it's because of the cooler weather, but Autumn has always been my favorite season. Now that I live in Ohio, it's become bittersweet- before long the snow and ice will be up to my knees- but l try to continue appreciating everything I've always loved about this time of year and to embrace the changes with an open heart and mind. Fall in Ohio is gorgeous, but it doesn't last long like it does in the South. By November, the trees are usually completely bare, and you can walk out to snow and sleet at any given moment. Cheers to a light Winter this year 🀞

As always, feel free to email me with questions about these pieces! You can reach me at

Payments accepted via PayPal, and I now accept Facebook Pay from friends and family. 

I can no longer accommodate personal deliveries, please e-mail with any concerns. 

Happy Autumn everyone πŸ’›πŸπŸŽƒ

Contact Info:

Social Media:
Facebook: Megan Hicks Artwork
Instagram: @MeganHicksArtwork

Keep an eye out, I'm thinking of joining Twitter!
